An employee in this class performs sidewalk, street, wastewater, water ,parks, storm water and other infrastructure design, construction estimates, inspection, surveying, and other engineering, construction management, and administrative work for the Town. The employee performs computer-aided design work. Work includes design computations and mapping; reviewing plans, permits and encroachments; estimating amounts of materials and costs for projects; field work for engineering surveys; preparation and recording of legal documents; and related professional and technical work. Work may subject the employee to environmental conditions, extreme temperatures, and construction noise and hazards. Work is performed under the general supervision of the Town Engineer and is evaluated based on conferences, review of completed work, and observation of demonstrated skills.
Established in 1709, Beaufort, N.C., is a quaint coastal town located on Beaufort Inlet, a channel leading south to the Atlantic Ocean. The third oldest town in the state and seat of Carteret County, Beaufort has a residential population of about 4,000 with a high influx of visitor traffic during the warmer months.
Beaufort was first known as Fishtown because the fishing industry was and has been an important part of the county’s history. Beaufort was later named for Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort.
Originally a fishing village and port of safety dating from the late 1600s, Beaufort has been visited by patriots, privateers, merchants, and skilled craftsmen who built Bahamian and West Indian-style homes and public buildings. Approximately 150 of the restored historic homes bear plaques noting names of the Town’s earliest known owners and dates of original construction.
The early economy of Beaufort was on the use of natural resources in the area. Hence, fishing, whaling, the production of lumber and naval stores, shipbuilding, and farming were the chief economic activities. Though Beaufort had the safest and most navigable harbor of any of the ports of North Carolina, ext...ensive commercial activities failed to develop, owing to the fact that the town was almost completely isolated from the interior. Now, Beaufort’s economy depends heavily on tourism, supplemented by a regional boat-building industry. Marine science research also figures prominently.